Today, a Sunday morning, as usual I checked my email. And found 62 spams. 62 spam emails? 62 unsolicited unwanted emails? As usual I did not open any of them and deleted them en masse. Two hours later I got another 76 spams in my email box.
The next day, a Monday, so far in my email spam folder I have 101 spams. So far. It's only 3:30 PM.
And, on St Patrick's Day, 2023, I got 100 spams - in an hour! That's a 24-hr average of over 2,000 f-ing spams!
This annoying super spamming has been going on for at a long time. I am getting like 100-200 email spams a day. Every day. Despite any/all laws, rules, regulations et al email spam is alive and thriving.
What's the solution? Here's an idea
The US federal government should designate email spam as a Terrorist Attack upon American citizens. Punishable by the Death Penalty.
And that could also apply to spam phone calls.
Stop the spam. With the Spam Death Penalty. A good idea. A damn good idea.
And, anybody found guilty of spamming could be executed, live, on TV, as a pay-per-view event. A TV Special. Even after the Spam Law Death Penalty is passed there should be enough stupid spammers to make it a weekly show. The show could maybe 1-2 hours long, culminating in the live execution. It could be a terrific highly rated, high-revenue generating Saturday night TV show, in prime time, especially since there is never anything good to watch on TV during prime time on Saturday night.
Making it visually appealing for ratings sake the official US government execution could be by hanging. Or firing squad. Or maybe by guillotine. Let the convicted spammer decide how they will be executed.
As for spammers operating overseas the US could nicely demand the country turn the spammers over to us, or threaten to withhold foreign aid to that country.
Stop The Spam!
Yes, this is dark humor. Seriously dark humor. Humor/not humor.
P.S. My stupid, poorly run, outdated free aol email does not allow users to block span by "word(s)". My free aol email only allows blocking by specific email address - and spam senders use numerous different addresses, so blocking each specific email address is not feasible. Blocking spam by "word(s)" would be very helpful. I get multiple annoying spam emails that use certain words, words I am never interested in, words that would never make me open the span email, words that I would like to block permanently. Words like McAfee. And penis.
Why don't I use another email provider? I have been using aol email for over 25 years and don't want to dump it, as I have been using the same AOL email address, putting it out in the world, so people or organizations can contact me for legit reasons. AOL is now owned by Apollo Global Management, a large investment company who also obviously doesn't give a shit about us AOL free email users.
FIX THIS! The government or at least the tech industry needs to do something and stop the spam. NOW.