2 years ago 

On a Sunday morning before noon I tuned in to the TV show, "Zombie Flipping", on the A&E network channel on cable. It's an interesting show where a group of flippers buy horrible houses (they call them zombies) and renovate and flip them. I tuned in about halfway through the episode and first had to sit through a bunch of tv commercials. I noticed. I said to myself, "Wow, there's a LOT of tv ads. It's very intrusive and annoying". I vowed to find out how many ads viewers had to suffer through the next time the show took a break to run commercials. Soon the show stopped and the ads started.  On my fingers I counted the tv ads.


Seriously? 12 tv ads in a row? More than 15 minutes in an hour? 25 f-ing percent of a TV show is ads? And the networks expect viewers to put up with that? And the dumbass TV execs don't know why TV viewership has declined so much in the past decade(s)?

I let the tv play in the background while I wrote this rant. There were lots of ads. Too many ads. I am now considering no longer watching TV at all, due to too many ads. Or, in the case of streaming and TV networks, lousy or old shows. If only Netflix and Amazon Prime and Hulu, et al, had more new g-o-o-d TV shows instead of hundreds/thousands of ancient shows/movies I've seen or new crappy shows I have no interest in seeing. Seriously. 


2 years later. The news channels are also unwatchable due to the number of ads. In 15 minutes per hour there could be 30-50 ads, many of them repetitive and of NO interest to me. I am using the internet news sites more and more to keep up with the news. At least there I can scroll past all the ads and don't have to sit through the ads and hear them, or change the channel, only to find the same annoying issue on ALL the other tv news channels.

Too may ads, and lousy shows, have now ruined the TV viewing experience. Not to mention that, today, most TV shows are stupid and unwatchable (with a few exceptions) and only have 10 episodes per season, as opposed to the 20 episodes in the good old days, and a lot fewer ads.