
Newsflash for all anti-Semites

Jews do NOT control the US banking system or banks. Or the Federal Reserve. There are, and have always been, very few if any Jewish CEO's of major banks in America. Look it up. The idea that "Jews control all the money" is incorrect information, ignorant misinformation. It's totally false, it's simply not true. It is a mistaken concept, equating non-Jewish banking with Jewish INVESTMENT banking. The two industries are totally different. Banks take deposits and loan money. Investment banking in the US is Wall Street firms, many of which were and are Jewish, creating, buying, selling and trading stocks and bonds and other securities, and high finance. Unlike banks, investment bankers do NOT take consumer deposits and do NOT make consumer car or home loans etc.

Generally, non-orthodox Jewish people (especially males) in America are not interested in controlling things, they are interested in family, being educated so that they can make a good living and provide for themselves and their family. That often includes entering professions in accounting, the law, medicine, education, investment banking and, starting in the 20th century, the entertainment industry. The possible reasoning behind this is that, after living in Nazi Germany, or ancient Egypt, Jews tried to make themselves professionally indispensable to the ruling class, so that, as Jews, they wouldn't be enslaved, or killed. It didn't always work.

So, please if you embrace conspiracy theories in America, update your thinking and your beliefs. And stop targeting Jews as enemies. They are not your enemies. And neither are Asians or Hispanics or Blacks. Or women. Or gays and transgender people. They are not restricting your freedom or your life. Now, loony left semi-Nazis are another story.