F Fox News

I sent this to Fox News corporate via email

"I live in Los Angeles and I am sick and tired of seeing Camp Lejeune ads on your tv channel. Every 5 f-ing minutes you are showing one of the Camp Lejeune ads! And the ads only apply/appeal to people who were at Camp Lejeune and got sick. I was not and did not, as were/are the vast majority of Fox News viewers. The "My Pillow" ads every 10 minutes were/are bad enough but the Camp Lejeune ads may be even more annoying and may repeat even more often. 

As a result, after decades of watching Fox News all day I am seriously considering ceasing my viewing of Fox News altogether as my response to the never-ending repeat ads, and getting my news online. I will also be sad to stop watching Jesse, Tucker, Hannity, Laura, The Five and Gutfeld but I am prepared to do so if I can avoid your horrible way-too-often repeating TV advertisements. I'm sure there are millions of other loyal viewers who feel the same way. This is your last chance to stop the WAY TOO MANY repeat ads."

UPDATE: 3 months later

The Camp Lejeune ads have stopped. Yay! Unfortunately, there are still 4-5 very annoying ads which repeat like every 7 minutes.