

It's 2023. Welcome to the New Normal. The new normal sucks. Every area of American society is malfunctioning. And declining. Due to stupid crazy Woke semi-Nazi loony left agendas that don't work and restrict freedom and opportunity. 

Who's to blame? Blame the decline of America on clueless insane cult member voters who vote Democrat, no matter what. Wake up, morons, you are causing the end of society. By electing Democrats and supporting the Woke agenda you will end freedom, and opportunity, and end our currency, the US dollar and, by default, local, state and federal government's ability to raise funds, and to pay its workers and provide services. And YOU will end up with no functioning local government, no law and order, no electricity to heat or cool or light your home, no transportation, no water, no indoor plumbing, no trash pickup...and no food. In other words, you'll be living in a third-world sh*thole country. And, like Global Climate Change, your life expectancy may be less than 7 years.

What's the solution? 

Moderate Democrats and Independents need to stop voting Democrat.  Hold your nose and vote Republican. Or, if you can't do that, don't vote. Your life depends on it. Your country depends on it. And November 2024 is your last chance to save both.